Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Tale of Two Friends

Since I have moved to lovely Pasco, WA, I have been FLOORED by how nice everyone is. I never realized how stand offish people were in Boise. I don't think anyone ment to be, but we were all soooo busy and the wards so big that we didn't notice when new people moved in. So when we came here my mouth dropped open at the reception. I have friends and a ton of them too! The people here are all so great and so lovely. I have absolutely loved every minute of it. One of my new friends, Amy, and I clicked instantly. She is spunky and full of life just like me. She has been so warm and receptive from the beginning of my life here. I LOVE her.

We were hanging out the other day painting another good friends nursery, talking about life when it came up that she had a twin bed she no longer needed. I was so excited!! I have been thinking and planning on getting Sims a new twin bed for Christmas but decided to put it off because we can't afford that expense right now. Amy was so excited because she just wanted the bed out of her house, so she GAVE it to us!! Can you believe the generosity. I am so amazed! Not only did they give it to us, but she and her husband brought it over to our house and took the whole thing upstairs!! I know, they rock.

Amy, I love you for your kindness and generosity. Sims loves you for his new bed. He feels like such a big boy now!! Thanks a billion

Love, jen


PRP said...

That Amy is hot stuff! I'm so glad you're surrounded by kind women. We need all the help we can get in this life and good, positive women are essential!

lrichards said...

That bed rocks! I'm so glad you got one for free.

Anonymous said...

Mom thinks that is a great looking bed, so much drawer and shelf space as well. Amy, I like you already. And Karen, you know I love you, you're the best. (right behind my Jennifer, that is). I think I am a little corny this morning!

tharker said...

Love Amy. Seriously LOVE her!

AOlson said...

Awww, I LOVE you too. I think you were a blessing sent to the Tri-Cities just for me (and everyone else you meet). The bed looks great in Sims room!! What a BIG little boy you have!

Emily said...

Lily looks sooo cute! She is growing up.