Friday, September 11, 2009

New House Part 2

Here is the next set of pics of the house, I had to leave out Lily's room because it always seems that she is sleeping...always. Hence why here room is also the last to be completely unpacked and put together, so it is a good thing I left it out! Please excuse the mess in the pics, I just moved in!

This is the other view of our family room. There is a fire place, but because of the placement of the TV and couches, it is hidden. There it is, you can see it behind the couch. We have put our family picture above it for now!

This is my new kitchen. It has much less cupboard space than the old house, but much more pantry space, so it evens out. We often sit at the bar for meals and Sims loves to be able to sit there and do crafts and talk with mom while I work in the kitchen.

This messy room is going to be the office/guest bedroom. It is quite a big room, so I have a good feeling about how it will turn out when all is said and done. I just have to put myself into it and organize! I will do after pictures when it is all done.

This lovely room is my master bedroom. My dear, sweet sister-in-laws Tiff and Karen painted this room green for me. For some reason as of late I am having an obsession with green, so this is perfectly lovely for me. This room too, is huge. I don't know what to do with all the space, in the future you may see a reading chair and maybe a bookshelf. We will see....

And this cute room is Sims room. He loves it! You can see the cute little guy asleep in his bed for these pics (taken during nap time). He loves the sports motif and gets a kick out of the fact that his door handle is a basketball. It was like this house was made for our little family!

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