Wednesday, September 02, 2009


I am almost to tired to post. Almost.

We are making headway. Unfortunately today I had this brilliant idea to go to our storage unit and get all the stuff before Saturday to save time on the actual move day. We went to the unit, opened it up and I saw my dad almost faint in terror. So maybe there was a little more stuff there than I had's not that bad right? So after completely packing my car and his car full of stuff, we still have to go back for one, ok maybe two trips. But seriously, I need all this stuff, seriously.

My mom made some great progress today, she packed the entire kitchen. Now we are eating off paper plates and plastic cups. Fun times.

My awesome brother in law, Rich, helped me move some incredibly big and heavy things out of the storage unit tonight. He is amazing.

We had a delicious meal at Tiff's house. She is always so generous in having me and my parents over when ever they come. Amazing.

My BFF, Amanda, brought me loads of boxes tonight so we can get more packing tomorrow!

So what I have learned today:

1. I have way to much stuff.

2. I am surrounded by amazing family and friends.

3. I couldn't have done this without them.