Tuesday, September 08, 2009

First Day of School

Ok, preschool, but still. Sims had so much fun today at preschool. It was a big event that took a lot of getting ready for:

Grandma Boise took him and got him new shoes for preschool.

Grandma Norway got him a cool new backpack.

We talked and talked about preschool and he was so excited.

Grandma and Grandpa Norway were there to walk him to school and even Uncle Karen (this is what Sims calls his Aunt Karen) showed up to celebrate the first day of school!

And today, his dream was fulfilled. He had a blast. He LOVES his teacher and our neighbor, Ms. Kristin. She pretty much rocks the house. This is just another blessing of our move.


Tiff said...

The funny thing about the group picture is that Sims isn't looking at the camera! It's a good thing you moved to Pasco, I guess, since I probably would have missed Sims' first day of preschool. I still can't believe you're gone!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad things are going well for you guys. Tell the kids hello from Uncle Mike. Tell Matt to keep practicing Cratch.

PRP said...

Watching him pull that backpack was about the cutest thing ever!

PRP said...

Uh, Tiff, what's with commenting on Jen's blog and not mine???

You are dead to me.

tharker said...

Ms. Kristen is so amazing! You are going to LOVE her! Jake went last year and still talks about how much he misses preschool. I'm so glad Sims had a great first day! Love the backpack too.

Kristin Leigh said...

So cute! But what was with the Band-Aids on the face? Was it just for fun...like when we used to put tape on our faces?