Thursday, September 24, 2009


My sweet and precious daughter was blessed with a ton of hair. I love it, but as of late it has been driving me crazy because she will NOT leave her hair alone. If I put it in piggy's she has them pulled out after nap time. The same with a pony. So I have been flabbergasted as to what to do. The end result is me giving up and her having hair in her eyes. Believe me when I say, I do put up her hair in those tiny little rubber bands that have to hurt her head, but to no avail, she has them pulled out after nap time. So one night at dinner, I looked over at here with crap all over her face and hair in here eyes and I lost it. I seriously LOST it. I pulled open the junk drawer, grabbed the scissors and went over to my sweet little girl and chopped off her hair. Yep, I am every mom's nightmare. I made my kids hair look like it had been hacked up with the kitchen knives. But let me tell you that the calmness and sanity that reclaimed my life was worth it. Not to mention that Sims, Daddy and I laughed and laughed all night long because I had given our Lily an official Mullet. These pictures do not do justice.


Mr. Johnson said...

I think she looks ROCKING!!! Everyone needs a mullet at one point in there life. I'm glad you got hers out of the way early.

Linda Richards said...

With them being so short, you won't have to cut them again for several years! She looks darling!