Thursday, February 22, 2007

Working Mother's Blues

What an angel. I have to post all my recent pics, so that my mom and dad can see their boy.
I am getting the working mother's blues really bad. I just feel sooooo guilty that I can't devote my full attention to my son. But here is the ironic thing....I never did when I stayed home. I still did a lot of housework and projects at home. But it is different when you actually go to a "work" environment.

It doesn't help that Sims has been reallly cranky lately. Which is totally abnormal for my son. He is the most laid back kid I know. I even took him to the doctor in hopes that he had an ear infection. But nope, he just is cranky. I think the whole crawling thing has given him attitude. He is getting his two top teeth, that might be the cause. Whatever it is, I am going crazy. I have little to know patience for his whining and then when I get frustrated I feel guilty that I am working and not making him happy! AHHHH! So goes the life of a working mother. So all the way home from work yesterday I cried and cried and cried. I think that it also has something to do with the fact that I am PMSing also, but I still was way emotional. Poor Sims just sat in the backseat wondering what was wrong with his wacked out crazy mom.

Luckily today, I had a lot of help from Matt and a great sister in law. They both watched him all day long so that I could get a ton done at the studio. He was really happy to see me when I came and got him, so that must mean that he missed me and that I am not a terrible mother.


PRP said...

You are not a terrible mothe! I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it!

Jer said...

Ditto, prp! Jen, I think no matter what you do as a mom, there is always guilt. The trick is to realize what a great job you are really doing. And even if you aren't always the one to be taking care of Sims, you are always the one that makes sure someone is taking good care of him, if that makes sense. I've known you a long time, and I know there's just no way you couldn't be doing a fantastic job.

vwbabe said...

Thanks guys...I needed to hear that!

Tagan said...

Jen... making an appearance on your blog in just the nick of time! You are an awesome mama! I have no doubts about it! Sims is one of the luckiest little guys in the whole wide world.