Saturday, February 10, 2007

My new life

Now that I am a working mom, my life has changed quite a bit and probably will continue to do so. My house has gone to trash. I am no longer concerned about keeping up a clean house, so if you happen to stop by, you might find clothes/dishes everywhere. I am not proud about this, but I just can't keep up with everything. When I am home I feel like I need to give my undivided attention to Sims and relaxing.

For example: This morning, my saturday, I slept in. Matt got up with the baby, such a good husband and I slept in. When I finally did get up, I put the baby down for his morning nap and proceeded to watch ER. 4 episodes. And I would have kept going except all the upcoming episodes were messed up on my DVR. Sims woke up and I played with him and fed him. Then I got in the shower. At this point, Matt had woken up from his nap (since he had to get up so early with the baby :), and he took over the Sims watch-a-thon. Sims was fussy and Matt asked me what was wrong and I said, I am not sure, he just woke up from a nap and just had a snack. I can't imagine what could be wrong. Then I looked at the clock and realized that it was 1 pm already. Yep, I just got out of the shower at 1 pm. Somehow I was sucked into a time warp. So correction, the baby hadn't just woke up and hadn't just had a snack. So we fed the poor guy and set him out for a nap. What has happened to me?

My perfectly structured life is upside down. The funny part is, that I am ok with it. I don't care that my house looks like crap, which is quite unusual for me. I guess this is all part of the adjustment.

On an update, I am working now at the studio full time. Sims comes with me and has been a gem. He is wooing the customers with his charm and good looks. I am getting really excited about working with Matt and have lost many hours of sleep to new ideas on how to expand the business. We are so happy and so excited . This will be a great year for us. I will keep you all updated on how it goes.

1 comment:

Jer said...

Sounds like you are busy! Just so it doesn't cut into your important blogging time. ;)