Friday, February 02, 2007


The good news is...I lost another pound last week! Yea. I am so glad that I am still on my way down.

The good news that is still sad is that my parents are leaving on their mission on monday. I didn't think that I was going to be so sad, but I really am. It is harder this time b/c they are going to Norway and it seems so much farther away and less accesible. But I am totally happy for them. I know this is the right thing to do, but I am being selfish. I broke down crying yesterday when I talked to my mom. She was packing her bags and I just got so sad. I think about all the things that will happen while they are gone to both of us. I know that Sims won't remember this, but it is still hard to think that they will be gone when he goes through so many changes. Mom and dad, if you are reading this, I am very excited for you and know this is the right thing. I just have to adjust to it.

Sims is still sick, his ear doesn't seem to be bothering him, it is the horrible diaper rash he has from the antibiotic. I am trying everything that I can think of to help him with it, but he is sooooo miserable whenever I change his diaper. Yesterday, I tried to put him down for a naked nap, but he wasn't too keen on that. So we ended up having naked play time so that his tush could air out. I hate to see him hurting and wish that I could fix it all, but unfortunately I can't.

So all in all, things are well except a few bumps in the road. I am still going to work really hard on my weight loss just for the fact that I can't remember what it was like to be skinny. I would love to have that feeling again. So here's to changes.


Jer said...

Have you ever tried Boudreaux's Buttpaste for diaper rash? Sounds funny, I know, but I'm serious. We've used it for Ella since she was a baby, and it has always worked so great. Who knows, though, when it's induced by antibiotics. We just get it at Walmart or target.

I can see how it would be tough to say goodbye to your parents for such a long period of time. But that is awesome they are going--good luck to them in Norway!

vwbabe said...

Jer, my brother called, he is a pediatrician and he said to switch to soy milk or lactose free milk b/c the AB interacts with the milk we were giving him. He also said to give him a sugar cookie for the fat. I tried it and it worked great! He no longer has a diaper rash. Just an FYI for the future!