Monday, February 05, 2007


Matt and I have been talking a lot lately about me coming down and working at the studio. I would bring Sims with me of course and we would work together to make it happen. I would take over the responsibilities of this office manager. We are excited about the idea, but nervous just b/c we aren't sure how it will work with Sims. I get the feeling that it will work out well b/c his studio is low volume, so not too busy. The idea is to give the clients that come the feeling that they are family and treated really well.

I am really excited about the possibility of doing this. I have always wanted to work with Matt and I am really excited that he wants to work with me too. But I would appreciate different points of view, so please let me now what you think!


PRP said...

As long as your completely honest with each other and you don't let the petty things of any working environment get in the way, you should be good. And there are always plenty of people who would be happy to watch Sims if Matty had a big shoot or something. Good luck!

Jer said...

Sounds like a good way to cut back on business expenses, which means more profit for you guys--wahoo!! Sims seems like a laid back enough kid that he would do okay with it, too. The previous bishop of my ward owns a dental practice and his wife is secretary/accountant. It seems to work for them--they've been married over thirty years, and doing dental work for about that long.

Usandthings said...

My sister has brought all her babies to work with her, and it has gone very smoothly for her. Her advice, "you just gotta do what you just gotta do."