Monday, August 31, 2009

Closing the Door

Today was the last day I will ever be working at the studio.

Today was the last day I had to leave my kids with babysitters to go work.

Today I closed the door on an ERA of my life.

The funniest part is, I am a little sad. It has been the hardest work to keep the studio going for the last 5 years, but it has also had some good times.

I remember bringing Sims to work with me and the fun that we had. We spent so much time together and I had to get creative as to how to occupy his attention. We were a family down there. Matt and I loved spending so much time together (at least I did :) Our retoucher, Kristen was just part of the family. Sims lovingly referred to her as "Tin Tin".

I think I knew that the good times at the studio were over when we had to let her go b/c we couldn't afford to pay her any more. I remember crying and crying. It was like telling your sister she couldn't hang out any more.

I am sad that I won't be able to be so involved with Matt and his work. It blew me away at how talented he is. Each day he would come up with something new and really cool. I loved looking at his photographs. I loved being a part of his clients lives.

But as it is said, when God closes a door somewhere he opens a window. That window for me is Pasco. I am beyond excited for this new chance in my life. I am so thankful that we have been on this journey. I am so thankful that we have been in it together. Matt is my best friend. He helps me laugh when all I want to do is cry. He is my prince. I love him so much. I am excited for this new chapter in our lives.

Here's to windows.


PRP said...

We can't wait to have you!

Lydia Moon said...

Jen, change can be hard, but also rewarding. I hope this new phase of your life will be fabulous for you! I'm also experiencing a switch from working to being home with the kids. The trasition has been much more difficult than I imagined, but definitely worth it. Check out my blog.

Jer said...

Change is good. It's not easy, but nothing in life usually is. Good luck with everything. I'm really excited for you!

Kayla said...

hi jen! so fun to see you blogging...(i do it my self sometimes :) ). i'll add you to my reader! your kids are adorable..and i love that you named your son Sims. too cute. where are you guys living now?

Kristin Leigh said...

And Tintin loves Sims...and the rest of the Johnson family! I don't, however, miss Mary Popins! If you know what I mean! :)