What we didn't realize that we were heading into what was certain to be our death. I have never seen such huge thorns on anything. Roses, Nope, weeds, Nope. It was really treacherous. And we were trying so hard and only came out with enough blackberries to make one pie and enough scratches to send us to the hospital Seriously. I was a little discouraged.
So I called Tiff back and said, I have a plan: It involves a ladder and pants, long sleeves, heavy gloves and a machete, but we will be able to get more berries. And she said, "How bout we go to the Berry Ranch". Some times this woman is so prolific. She is amazing.
We headed out to this place, I had never been there before, to pick us some berries. Mind you these we will have to pay for, but Tiff thought that paying a little for berries is worth it for our life. It was amazing. They had thousands of big, beautiful berries and get this NO THORNS. Seriously. It was a dream. Here are the Pics. I went home and immediately made most of mine into Jam. Thanks Tiff for being a genius as always.
I see Tiff wore her tie-dye, just in case she got a little on her. She'd blend right in! haha (this is Teresa, by the way - just didn't change the identity)
I'm so jealous! I hope you're planning on sharing some of that jam with me...
Of course I will. What are sisters for?
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