Friday, January 15, 2010

New Years Eve

This year we decided to have a nice quiet evening at home for New Years. It was fun. We made homemade chicken hot wings and chili cheese dip with chips. The kids thought it was the best to be able to eat these yummy treats. As you can tell, they loved it.

The little ones went to bed by 7:30 and Matt and I settled down to watch a 30 Rock marathon till the new year...lets just say...I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30pm. I didn't quite make it to midnight, but I still had a wonderful new years eve.

I love spending time with my family who mean the most to me. They make me laugh and smile and they help me to remember what joy is all about.

Happy new year.


tharker said...

Ooh, Chili dip sounds good....and it looks good on Lily too ;)

Heather said...

NYE at home is the best! (maybe I'm just biased because that is what I know is in store for us anyway!) Although our kids love to stay up and party the night away along with us.

Linda Richards said...

I'm all in favor of the chili and chips! Especially all over the face. Lovve the pictures!

Amy said...

lol... 8:30. that. is. awesome.