Sunday, October 11, 2009

A little bit about ME.

This is me and my beautiful family. Matt and I have been married for 8 wonderful, blissful years. These are our two cute kids. I am an overly happy stay at home mom. My favorite things to do are to craft and create, play with my kids, love my husband and spend ample time in the kitchen (cooking, not cleaning up).

I was born of goodly parents. My mom and dad continually teach me and inspire me to be the best me that I can be. I love them and hope to become more and more like them.

This is my family. I am the youngest of 7 children. I was adored, and sometimes picked on by my many wonderful siblings. Some of the best moments of my life are when we have all been together.

This is my brother Brian and his family. Brian is 12 or 13 years older than me...sorry I can't quite remember. He is a great brother and is so generous. Our relationship continues to grow. He has a wonderful family. They live all the way over in Iowa, so our family reunions mean a lot to me, because this is one of the only times I get to see them.

This is my sister Teresa and her family. She is one of those big sisters that every girl needs. She was my second mom and continues to be so today. She is dependable and lovely. Her family lives in Utah. Her strength and courage continues to inspire me.

This is my brother Mike and his family. He is a fun loving guy, but also knows how to be serious and we have had many good conversations. I love his family and their energy. His sacrifice and dedication to his family is a great example to me.

This is my brother Pete and his family. He is amazing. He works so hard and always has a great attitude and smile on his face. I know that he often faces challenges, but he has faith. He teaches me to continue to have faith.

This is my sister Debbie. I can't say enough about her. I am constantly reminded of her awesomeness. She has such a lively and busy family, but continues to tap into her creative side with sewing and crafting. We talk often, we laugh often and sometimes we cry often. Her relationship strengthens me.

And lastly, not pictured is my truly wonderful sister Kari. She was delivering her first baby about the time we took these pictures. I am so grateful for her and her excitement for motherhood. She reminds me what it is all about. She has a wonderful little family that has joy and happiness in their home. I love her spirit, she is so caring.

All these people are what make me who I am, they have all inspired and sculpted me in some way. I love my family very much. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for putting me where he did in this family. It has been a blessing and will continue to be one. I love you all!


Tagan said...

Wow Jen, I have not seen your family in ages! It has been way too long. ...and how in the heck does Debbie have 4 kids??? I've gotta get her secret! The pictures are gorgeous (where were they taken?) and your parents look fab-u-lous!

vwbabe said...

Debbie adopted her first, Spencer, then she had twins with invetro and then had her last by surprise! We took these pictures in Steamboat Springs when we had our family reunion! It was so fun.

Eliza Brock said...

How fun to see everyone! What a great photographer...who was it!?! J/K :-) Love ya!

PRP said...

Why isn't that top picture of your family hanging in your house?? It's beautiful!

I love me some David and were definitely born of goodly parents!

Vivian said...

i miss you guys.

Mel Sims said...

Awww...good times. That photographer rocks!

tharker said...

I love your family picture! I mean, Sims with his cute little hand in his dang cute!

Your family sounds so wonderful!

::lindsay said...

Your family picture is amazing! I'm so glad you moved here! You are so much fun!

Amy said...

Hi Jen! I just found your blog through Tiffani's. Your family picture looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Where is my copy of your family picture?????

Linda Richards said...

I'm not really anonymous - I just didn't remember my login.

Debbie Lee said...

I love that you posted all of these photos and you were so sweet with your comments. Matt did an amazing job with the photos. Love you guys!!

superbrad9 said...


superbrad9 said...

last comment is bryson not b-rad