Monday, February 08, 2010

The Miracle of Being a Mom

I have been thinking a lot today about how amazing it is that as a mom, I hardly get sick. I have been in the throws of pink eye over here and have had my hands in my little boys face trying to clear a way goop so he can see, but alas, I am still not infected. I know, I wash my hands it is all about "science" and stuff, but I think it goes beyond that. I know that Heavenly Father has a special blessings on mom's that we will be spared from some of these horrible things so that we can continue to nurture our families. I am grateful for that blessing.


tharker said...

It's true. I rarely get sick, but when I's a doozy!

Stay healthy!!

Michelle said...

Same here. I have just been through 7 weeks (yes I said 7) of sick kids. And I have also been blessed to make it through without being sick myself. Amazing that you can clean up puke, wipe noses, have them cough in your face, snuggle up to you when they are feverish, etc, and still not get sick. It is definitely one of those tender mercies we hear so much about and such a blessing.

PRP said...

You are blessed indeed.

I'll keep my fingers crossed just in case!

Heather said...

Science, schmience.