Sunday, January 24, 2010

Face Lift

Remember how my dear wonderful husband got me the dresser I wanted so badly for my birthday...Here it is:

This bad boy was found in someones trash pile. I saw it when we moved in the house 4 months ago and have been wanting it ever since. I know, I am crazy...but look what came from it:

I have given my whole craft room a face lift and I love it!! I was feeling some bad karma coming from that room. I told Karen that I couldn't craft until it was solved. She gave me some good advice on how to arrange things and now my groove is back. I love it. I have another project I am working on to finish it off. I will post the completed photos when I am finished. I am so excited. You can't tell in the photos, but I have been getting into distressing...I distressed the hutch...looks so much better and then I distressed the new dresser and inked it with some chocolate ink to give it a nice look.


Debbie Lee said...

You are amazing!! I don't know how you find the time, but this looks beautiful! I can only imagine the masterpieces that will now emerge from this room! Have fun!

Vivian said...

holy moly. that looks great!

Amy said...

Wow! It looks awesome!!!

Mom said...

I am so amazed! It doesn't even look like the same dresser. It looks just beautiful. I am so proud of you.
And did you notice, I got my own "identity". Pretty good for a Monday morning (and it wasn't even hard).

Ms. Kristen said...

Cute cute! YOu are the best and craftiness neighbor arounnd! Be lookin for an old dresser for me, eh!
Love ya!

Kate said...

one of the cutest dressers I have ever seen!
Please tell me that you will teach a class how to re-do old furniture??

Tiffany said...

You are AMAZING!!! Get back to Boise RIGHT NOW so you can craft with me.

PRP said...

It looks amazing. I never that something that cute could come from the piece of hud it started as...:)

AOlson said...

Looks great!! Good job! You amaze me.

Tagan said...

Love it Jen! Why can't we live closer? We would play EVERY day!!

Heather said...

Holy Crap! You are a genious!

tharker said...

This is why I need someone like you to come with me to Goodwill or such places...because you have the eye to see how beautiful something could become, when all my eye sees is a heap of junk. And look what I'm missing out on? It looks amazing Jen!

Linda Richards said...

You are amazing - it looks fantastic. I love the open shelves.

Unknown said...

Just taking a quick break from relentlessly stalking Karen's blog and WOW. That really does look amazing! I have a few pieces of furniture I've been wanting to do (for years!) but never get around to it. It is so stinking fun and I must agree on the open drawers... that is a really great touch! :D

::lindsay said...

It looks really great Jen!

Michelle said...

Jen, this is gorgeous!!!!