Sunday, December 06, 2009

Mom's Little Helper

Yesterday I got the itch in me to bake some yummy holiday treats. I literally spent the whole day in the kitchen and didn't shower BUT, I got a ton done. I made gingerbread to make 13 gingerbread houses for FHE tomorrow night, I made sugar cookies, I made ginger snaps and lastly I made some yummy buck eye balls (peanut butter yummies). As I was working away in the kitchen, Matt was busily working on the new entertainment center. He successfully put crown molding on the top and molding on all the front to make it look more finished. We were in working heaven, caught up in some wonderful Christmas music (found on you don't know about go there now and thank me later).

So what were our little helpers doing while we were so busily working? Well, Sims was at the neighbors house playing...have I mentioned how much I love our neighbors? Well we love them so much. Such a blessing. And Lily was, well Lily was doing this:

Such a sweet girl. She was happily playing and talking to herself. Her favorite thing is to pull all the towels out of the drawer and now she likes to sit in them. It's not my favorite thing, but hey, if it keeps her happy I am all for it. I love this time of year. I feel so much holiday happiness and I love the spirit that you find every where you go. I hope you all are finding the same happiness and joy in your lives.


Vivian said...

mmmm cooookies. I wish I was at your house.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Norway thinks: Like mother, like daughter!
She is so-o-o cute!

Linda Richards said...

Is there a cuter 1 year old in the whole world??? Very cute pictures!