Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Here are some more Pictures by Sims. He took a picture of his new train cars he got today. We went around the house and rounded up all the spare change we could find and took it to walmart. I noticed they had one of those cool "Coinstar" machines that counts all your change for you. We went to the machine and like the good mom I am, I wanted Sims to have the experience to do it himself. He was so excited that he didn't listen to well to mom's direction of pressing the green button, so we had to do the whole thing in Spanish. It all worked out in the end and he got his cool train. He has been playing with it all day and has been such a sweet boy. He even let Lily play with the little cows and sheep. Such a good brother.


Jer said...

That train is awesome--Jeremy would love it! I'm glad you're enjoying having more time!

Linda Richards said...

I miss playing trains!! He is such a good little photographer.