Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fall Wreath

So I have this favorite Craft blog that I have been following. I have wanted to try several things that she has had featured on her blog but with the move and such, I have never had a chance. Finally it was like everything lined up to make this craft come together for me. I went out garage selling yesterday and found all this great fall foliage for only 11 dollars. I got a ton, enough to do at least one more wreath or center piece. So here is my finished product:

Here is the props of the lady who started all this wreath madness for me:, she was featured on my favorite craft blog:


PRP said...

The wreath looks awesome...I've got some ideas for the rest of that foliage too!

Linda Richards said...

Oh my gosh - that is so gorgeous! And the J in the middle is perfect!

Tiff said...

Sheesh. Now you don't even need me for crafts anymore.